People of Dahrg de Belne

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Jarl Olaf Haroldson

The leader of our merry band is Jarl Olaf Haroldson.  Dahrg de Belne centres on his far-famed and highly profitable cloth and clothing business.  Like any prosperous Viking trader, Olaf pays mercenaries to do his fighting for him, but he still keeps his hand in with sword and bow.  Olaf is Clothier by Royal Appointment to King Eadred and has Royal permission to mint coins.    


















































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Lady Ragnhild Sigmundsdottir

Jarl Olaf's wife is Lady Ragnhild Sigmundsdottir.  She runs the business while Olaf is away fighting or on the occasional sea voyage. She is responsible for the day to day running of the settlement, and this is signified by the great bunch of keys she carries hanging by a chain from her belt.  She is a skilled weaver and embroiderer and an expert in dying and spinning textiles. She also swings a mean battle skillet...  


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Ranvig Olafsdottir

Ranvig is the daughter of Jarl Olaf Haroldsson, and like most teenage girls is something of a handful...  She is a talented musician and singer, and has also inherited her mother's expertise with the battle skillet!   



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Thorfinn Gunnarsson

Thorfinn Gunnarsson is the Owner/Master of the trading ship (knarr) Thorr's Lady. He takes Jarl Olaf's trade goods around the British coast, to Iceland and to the various trading ports and villages along the coastline of Scandinavia.  A skilled navigator and seaman, he has done his fair share of fighting - and the occasional bit of piracy, just to keep in practice....  Thorfinn is a Norse pagan.  


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Hrolf Arnisson

 Hrolf Arnisson is a highly skilled leatherworker - he has undertaken many commissions for the nobles of England and Scandinavia, including King Gorm of Denmark!

Staunchly pagan, his mild manner belies his skills as a warrior, which he learned on board Thorr's Lady after leaving his home city of Jorvik in a hurry...  



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Mistress Rowena

Mistress Rowena is wife to Hrolf Arnisson, who she met and fell in love with at Bewdley. 

A wise-woman skilled in the lore of herbs and medicaments, she also is reputed to be the possessor of mysterious powers....  


Erik Valhellison

  Exiled from his family, originally of noble birth, this soft-spoken warrior found refuge at Dahrg de Belne, where his skill with gold, silver and bronze provide a good living…





This Section is under Construction, and more members and details will be added in due course...

Updated 7th February 2002 C.E.

NEW:  Active links: Hrolf's Saga; Rowena's Tale; Eric's Saga.