The Recruiting Tent

You know, being a Viking is great fun but it's not much like the movies...  you need to:

Of course, life as a Viking can have its ups and downs...

First, there's the arguments about who's getting the booty this month...
...and that business about Christians versus Heathens  :-)
Actually, both are welcome - we Vikings are a tolerant bunch!
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Then there's the annual banquet - are you up to providing this year's
equivalent of The Full Monty?
BUT we are an equal opportunities civilisation... equal.jpg (12945 bytes)
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And our excursions are exciting!

At least our Jarl doesn't leave you hanging around...

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And sometimes he lets us play in our boat...

He's got a hands-on management style (hands on our wages,
hands on the mead, you name it, he's got a hand on it!)...
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And you do get to meet some wonderful people and quaff foaming horns of ale around a roaring campfire under the stars (and the comet!) in some incredible locations!

Still not sure if you want to be a Viking?

Well, a night in a draughty Viking tent should convince you...
...and then you roll out of bed and see four rainbows at once!
Is that Thorr, Mjolnir in hand, riding his mighty goat chariot down Bifrost? 
You bet it is!  And if that's not a reason to join, then I don't know what is!
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Membership fees, including Joint Membership of both Dahrg de Belne and The Vikings add up to just £27.50 Sterling per year, including Public Liability Insurance when you're performing at a public event.  Major concessions are made for children. Families are welcome!
